Quote is the starting point for FormFire’s enhanced digital pipeline called FormFire Quote. Sell. Enroll. ™ Quote is a practical way of reviewing market plans and available offers, bringing efficiency, technology advancement, and transparency for all.
General Questions
How do I use FormFire Quote?
Take a look at the following help articles:
- How to add a group into FormFire Quote
- How to add employees into FormFire Quote
- How to navigate plans and pricing in FormFire Quote
- A downloadable guide to FormFire Quote
You can also register to attend our Quote with FormFire Webinar. Registration information can be found in the orange Resource Center tab in the bottom left corner of your Broker portal under FormFire Webinars.
How are the rates and information in FormFire Quote kept up-to-date?
All items in Quote are updated and kept in sync with Carrier partners’ filings and changes. As they change, we change. With many of our Carrier partners, just as with our application side, we do receive advanced change notices ahead of the general market.
How much does FormFire Quote cost?
Quote is part of your current package price*. There is no additional cost to you. For agencies that are not currently FormFire-enabled, please see our pricing page for details.
*Carrier based FormFire sponsorship accounts require an upgrade/additional cost to use FormFire Quote.
How do I get the FormFire Quote package?
If you are new to FormFire, or would like to re-open a past account, please contact our Sales team at sales@formfire.com or (216) 502-2324.
Can I use FormFire Quote with a group I don’t have in FormFire’s traditional system?
Yes. All FormFire Quote requires is for you to create an employer group account and add the relevant census information (either on-screen or via the downloadable spreadsheet).
Are EINs used to control the employer groups in FormFire Quote?
No. EIN is an important part of working with Quote, particularly when interfacing with a Carrier based quotes system, but it is not used to control the uniqueness or the adding of an employer group on the Quote system.
Can I prospect any group with FormFire Quote?
Yes. You are free to use the system with any group you choose, independent of them being a resident part of your traditional FormFire book of business.
Where is FormFire Quote available? What Carriers are in the System?
Our current List of Available 2021 Quote Plans article will keep you updated on all the states where Quote is made available. If you have states or regions in mind, please contact our Sales team at sales@formfire.com or (216) 502-2324 and we will provide more information. For Available 2021 Quote Plans, please visit our article here.
Why are FormFire Quote items not official Carrier quote items?
There are various reasons why a Carrier would consider pricing out of FormFire Quote not official:
- The details are not driving or being driven by their official quote/engine systems and therefore are not registering official pricing, a quote number, or a quote history
- The return information in Quote does not carry quote, case, or contracting details that bind the quote to group and Carrier
- A Carrier relies on an official quote process for internal needs
A growing number of Carriers are working with FormFire so that the details will be classed as binding. In these cases things will be directly indicated to you. We see this as the logical way forward for all. If in any doubt about any results from our tool, please contact your Carrier representative—their view will be the final word.
Is the pricing shown in FormFire Quote accurate to a Carrier-based quote?
This tool is an estimator. The way FormFire’s system works is based on a Carriers’ level of cooperation with us, what they have filed with the state and other authorities, and our testing/calibration with Broker partners and real data. In that, we say our accuracy is very good, but we cannot claim to be globally official.
If we are working without a direct connection to a Carrier's system, and in many instances this is true, rounding effects on numbers (and the humans that get to call those numbers) can lead to differences. Therefore, outside of a few direct Carrier digital hook-ups, we are not an official Carrier quote system. As in all features, try things out and see for yourself. Please let us know what you find!
Why am I not getting the Carrier’s quotes as expected?
Check your client's set up and make sure county, state, zip code and effective date are correct. The county, state and zip need to be accurate to make sure the correct regional information is being pulled. The effective date should fall within the quarter you're seeking quotes for, which may need to be updated.
Why is my census not showing the correct selected coverage?
Try refreshing the census data by pressing the Control/Command key and F5. If you're still having trouble, contact our Customer Support team.
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