This release, which went live on June 8, 2021, contains a new Carrier census along with updates regarding the Anthem for SOCA Benefit Plan Employer Application and other system improvements. Let’s take a deeper dive!
Available Carrier Censuses
The ability to auto populate censuses are an important feature of FormFire as they allow Brokers to quickly submit quote or sold group information to Carriers. Our team works to make sure that your Employer Group’s data maps accurately based on a Carrier’s specific census needs. In this release, the following census has been added to our Carrier Census catalog for you to use:
- BCBS SC SMG Level Funded Census (Added)
Click here to see a list of all Carrier censuses in FormFire.
Anthem for SOCA Benefit Plan
FormFire works hard to ensure that our users can both efficiently and effectively utilize our system. Let’s look at the fixes and improvements that our team implemented in this release for the Anthem for SOCA Benefit Plan.
For HR Managers
- The Anthem for SOCA Benefit Plan Employer Application, that is a requirement for all Anthem for SOCA Benefit Plan enrollments, has been updated to correspond to the updates made by Anthem and the SOCA Benefit Plan.
- HR Managers will now be required to add the email address for the Administrative Contact
- The Head of Firm section has been updated and will now appear as in the image here:
- The Prior Coverage section has been updated to show Dental, Life and Disability as separate coverage lines. In the first area, HR Managers will be required to answer Yes or No for the question “Has this group had coverage within 12 months (L&D 30 Days)?”.
- If Yes is selected for any of the 3 coverage lines, then the HR Manager will be asked if they are replacing the current plan. If so, the HR Manager will be able to add a checkmark to the coverage line in question and add additional information, shown in the image below.
- The Prior Coverage section has been updated to show Dental, Life and Disability as separate coverage lines. In the first area, HR Managers will be required to answer Yes or No for the question “Has this group had coverage within 12 months (L&D 30 Days)?”.
- Our Development team is aware that the following items were not mapping properly from the online Anthem for SOCA Benefit Plan Employer Application to the PDF version of the form. These items have been corrected.
- Current Additional Authorized Signer email address
- Checkboxes in Prior Coverage section
FormFire Fixes and Improvements
FormFire works hard to ensure that our users can both efficiently and effectively utilize our system. Let’s look at the fixes and improvements that our team implemented in this release.
For Brokers
- In our May 25th release, FormFire provided Brokers the Form ID associated with any and all Forms available in FormFire. Since then, our Development team became aware that when a Broker had a FormFire window maximized and at a normal view on Preview Forms, the Form Code column overlapped the Form ID column. This has been corrected. Going forward, the columns won’t overlap.
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