FormFire provides Brokers with the ability to run reports for their Clients.
This article will show:
- How to access the available reports
- Types of reports are available on our site
From the FormFire Admin menu, select Reporting.
To learn more about the 2 types of reports offered, select any of the links below:
Agency Reports
Here, you can run reports on all Clients listed in your Agency in FormFire. The three reports you can run are:
- Clients Added: This report will list all Clients added in the past 12 months, the Account Executive from your Agency assigned to the client, number of Employees and the date it was added into FormFire.
- Current Clients: This report will list all Clients under your Agency in FormFire, the Account Executive from your Agency assigned to the Client, number of Employees, the date it was added into FormFire, and if the Client is active*.
- Upcoming Renewals: This report will list Clients under in your Agency in FormFire that are renewing in 3 to 6 months, number of Employees, the date it was added into FormFire and the date of their next renewal.
NOTE: *A Client is considered active if any of its Employees have logged on within the last year.
Client Reports
Here, you can run reports on a specific Client listed in your Agency in FormFire. The six reports you can run are:
- Medical Condition Summary
- Employee Status
- Rx Summary
- BMI Comparison
- Medical Condition Comparison
- Tobacco Use Comparison
The BMI, Medical Conditions and Tobacco Use Comparison reports can be compared to other Clients within FormFire by:
- SIC Code
- Zip Code
- Size
NOTE: All reports can be printed and exported to PDF by the respective buttons.
Click here to see how you can contact our FormFire Customer Support team for technical assistance. If you need to reach any other department, please visit our Contact FormFire page for additional options.
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