Your FormFire account allows you to enter in your current and any past benefits insurance coverage in Other Coverages.
On the Other Coverages page, select Yes for the question Do you have any current or past benefits insurance coverage? Then, select the Add Coverage Record button.
A slide window will appear from the right-hand side of your screen. All items are required unless noted with the word optional in parenthesis.
First, select if the coverage information your entering is Current (meaning you’re covered at the time you’re entering the information in FormFire) or Prior (meaning you’re no longer covered at the time you’re entering the information in FormFire).
Based on the type of coverage this is, you'll be asked one additional question. If current, you'll be asked Will this coverage remain in effect after your new coverage begins? and select either Yes or No. If prior, you'll be asked the Termination Reason and can select one of the following answers:
- Divorce
- Death of spouse
- Employment terminated
- COBRA/State Continuation coverage exhausted
- Employer/Group coverage ceased
- Group Plan terminated
- Other
Then, you'll select the Policy Holder from the drop-down menu and enter which of your family members were covered under that policy.
Selectable Policy Holders include:
- Yourself
- All dependents listed under Family & Household
- Other Individual (you'll be required to enter additional information if you select this option)
To answer What type of coverage was/is covered by this policy?, check the box by the coverages listed on the screen.
Then, you'll need to fill out a few other areas such as Types of Coverage, Carriers and Effective Date. Remember, items with the word optional in parenthesis are optional!
If you don't see your Carrier listed, select ---- Other Carrier ----. This allows you type in your Carrier under Carrier's Name.
The last section, Employer Information, is optional.
Once all required items are filled in, select Save and your Other Coverage will appear in your account!
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