After you receive the official quote back from Medical Mutual COSE MEWA and have reviewed the plans with the HR Manager, you'll then add the plan(s) into FormFire.
Select a Plan
On the Client Dashboard, open the orange context menu and select Manage Plans.
To add a new plan, select Assign Plan under the Back button. Any plans already loaded will show in this space.
Use any of the filters to find the desired plan. The correct Carrier is Medical Mutual COSE MEWA. When you find the plan that you are looking for, select the plan and click Next.
Customize Plan
This will take you to the Customize Plan page. Here, you can create a custom name (like 'Base Plan' or 'Buy Up Plan') and description for the plan that the Employees will see when they complete the interview. The customized name and description will only appear on the Employee's page, not on the actual form that is sent to Medical Mutual COSE MEWA. Then, click Finish.
Repeat the assign plans process for each plan offered to the Client, including ancillary coverage.
Turning on Plan Selection process
Once all plans have been added, make sure that you go back to your Client Dashboard. Then, open the orange context menu for your Client and select Client Details.
Under Client Details, make sure to select the correct Pay Period under Employer Info.
Then, scroll down to Plan Selection. Fill in the Plan Selection Open Date and Close Date fields. Remember to Save your changes. The plan(s) will automatically appear in the Employees' accounts on the Plan Selection Open Date.
At this point, you or the HR Manager can instruct the Employees to log back into their accounts, select the plan and re-sign.
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