FormFire has an impressive catalog of available Carrier forms in our Forms Library. But what happens if you need a specific form that's not currently listed?
It's fairly simple! You’ll need to complete our online FormFire Carrier Form Request form.
This online form will ask you to provide a clean copy of the Carrier’s form in .pdf formatting that is sent unsecured as well as the following information below:
- If the form is limited to a specific state or states, please include that information in your request
- Indicate if the form that is submitted is a replacement or update to a current form in our system
- If this is a new form, name for new form
- If this is a replacement to an existing form, please indicate the form name as it appears on our system
Do not include:
- Word document of the form
- Secured or password protected PDFs
- Prefilled forms with identifiable Client information
FormFire Forms prefers forms without field highlighting be submitted.
NOTE: Our online FormFire Carrier Form Request form will process form requests requests only. Do not send any census or plan requests through this form. Click here to view how to send in a census request or here to view how to send in a plan request.
FormFire's standard turnaround time for a one off form request is a minimum of 10 business days, if all information is sent over in the initial request.
The FormFire Forms team will provide you with direct updates regarding your request.
NOTE: Form turnaround times are subject to change. The FormFire Forms team will notify you with their current turnaround time or if there issues that prevent your request from being completed.
Click here to see how you can contact our FormFire Customer Support team for technical assistance. If you need to reach any other department, please visit our Contact FormFire page for additional options.
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