FormFire's Generate Census tool allows Brokers to create an Excel file containing Client and Employee demographic data.
From your Client Dashboard, open the orange context menu for your Client and select Generate Census.
After selecting Generate Census, select a census type from the drop-down menu. To learn more about the 4 types of censuses offered, select any of the links below:
FormFire Census
These are generic censuses that can be created based on the demographic data pulled from the Employees' accounts.
Follow the steps below to download a FormFire Census for a specific Client:
- Select FormFire Census as the census type
- Select the specific census you'd like to generate from the select census drop-down menu
- Select the Download Census button to generate the census
For a complete list of the FormFire censuses available in FormFire, please view Carrier census catalog available in FormFire.
Quote Census
These are Carrier specific and will map the Employee information to the Carrier's specific needs.
Follow the steps below to download your Quote Census for a specific Client:
- Select Quote Census as the census type
- Select the specific census you'd like to generate from the select census drop-down menu
- Select the Download Census button to generate the census
For a complete list of the Carrier quote censuses available in FormFire, please view Carrier census catalog available in FormFire.
Enrollment Census
These are Carrier specific and will map the Employee information to the Carrier's specific needs.
Follow the steps below to download a Quote Census for a specific Client:
- Select Enrollment Census as the census type
- Select the specific census you'd like to generate from the select census drop-down menu
- Select the Download Census button to generate the census
For a complete list of the Carrier enrollment censuses available in FormFire, please view Carrier census catalog available in FormFire.
Custom Census
FormFire offers Brokers the ability to create a Custom Census, a one of a kind census for your records based on the demographic data pulled from the Employees' accounts.
Follow the steps below to create and download a Custom Census for a specific Client:
- Select Custom Census as the census type
- Select either the entire area (clicking a box by Applicant Info) or specific data (clicking a box by a specific item) to add to the census
- Select the Generate Custom Census button to generate the census
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